"Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of humankind." - Thomas Tredgold

Advanced technology laboratory

Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL) is an applied research and development center for scientific advancement in the areas of autonomy, robotics, artificial intelligence, command & control, human-machine symbiosis, spectrum operations, hypersonics and cyber.

ATL engineers and scientists develop and apply leading edge technologies to our customers’ most difficult problems and needs, redefining global security and transforming emerging ideas into solutions.

Embracing diversity of thought and collaborating with some of the best and brightest in government, industry, and academia, ATL is creating generation-after-next technology to help Lockheed Martin and our research and development customers.

These customers include U.S. government service laboratories and the U.S. armed forces, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) to maintain technology dominance.

Jane Smith

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